Wondering is your degree recognised in Singapore?
It is a real nightmare to find out after spending so much time and money, that your degree belongs to a diploma mill which is neither recognised in Singapore nor anywhere in the world.
Degree Recognised in Singapore
In general, a degree is likely to be recognised in Singapore if it is from a University accredited by the Government of the country where the University is situated.
So how do you find out which are these accredited universities?
Simple, the following are ALL Government-linked websites to help you determine is your degree recognised in Singapore, by verifying that it is accredited.
For Australia Accredited Universities:
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) allows you to search a list of Registered Education Provider with self-accrediting authority.
For U.S. Accredited Universities:
Office of Postsecondary Education lets you search U.S. Department of Education database of accredited postsecondary institutions and programs.
For U.K. Accredited Universities:
Department of Innovation, Universities & Skill belonging to The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DSCF) displays all institutions that are recognised by the UK authorities.
For Canada Accredited Universities:
Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) has a searchable directory of Universities, Colleges and Schools in the Provinces and Territories of Canada that are accredited.
For New Zealand Accredited Universities
NZQA allows you to search for all recognised education organisations in New Zealand.
For those interested in entering the Singapore Civil Service, please take note of the following Written Reply to Parliamentary Question:
In assessing foreign degrees, the Public Service Division’s guidance to agencies is to check whether the foreign degree is accredited by the home government where the degree originates.
Just wanna check whether University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin is recognised in Singapore? I could not find it from the above list. I look forward for your reply. Thank you.
@Md. Syahril, in that case, you may try checking with Ireland Embassy in Singapore to establish whether “University College Dublin” is accredited by the Government of Ireland. If it’s accredited, the chances of the degree being recognized in Singapore will be higher.
I checked the list and my University is listed in the U.S. Department of Education database of accredited postsecondary institutions and programs. Does it mean it is recognized by Singapore goverment ? or Do I have to do anything else? Thank you.
@Martin, no that doesn’t mean that it is recognized by the Singapore Government. In fact, there is no central authority in Singapore that checks or grants recognition for degrees acquired from foreign universities. Recognition of your degree is solely at the discretion of the your prospective employer in Singapore. Having a degree from a University accredited by the Government of the country where the University is situated, only increase the chances of it being recognized here.
Thanks for clear that out Patrick.