Singapore Starts Cat Licensing on 1 Sept 2024

Singapore Starts Cat Licensing on 1 Sept 2024
Image via Stock Photo
  1. New cat management rules start in September 2024.
  2. Licences and microchips needed for cats.
  3. Free cat sterilisation aid for the needy.

A new era begins for feline friends and their owners in Singapore with cat licensing, promising safer and more responsible pet ownership.

Register Your Cat, Be a Responsible Owner

The Straits Times reports that a new Cat Management Framework will be put in place this September.

Up to two cats can be kept in each HDB flat, and three cats for each private residence.

Each cat must be licensed and microchipped.

Transition period starts from 1 September 2024, and ends on 31 August 2026.

During this time, cat owners can license their pets for free.

The need to license and microchip is to make sure every cat is safe and can be found if lost.

Here’s what cat owners need to know:

Licenses issued during the transition period have lifetime validity for sterilised cats.

For unsterilised cats, these licenses will be valid only during the transition period.

It will be an offence to keep unlicensed pet cats from 1 Sept 2026, with cat owners subject to fines of up to $5,000.

Cat Licensing Help for Cats and Owners

The government will also support cat sterilisation for people with less money.

These efforts will help stop cats from having too many kittens.

“Licensing will subsequently cost $15 for a one-year licence for a sterilised cat and $90 for an unsterilised cat,” explained an official.

But during the changeover, cat licensing is free, helping cat owners adjust to this new system.

This move is about keeping pet cats safe and reducing unwanted breeding.

Here’s a simple table on Cat Licensing to show the point:

Start of Cat Licensing1 September 2024
End of Free Licensing Period31 August 2026
Possible Fines for Unlicensed CatsFrom 1 September 2026

Community Response and Further Plans

65 per cent of survey respondents said they were supportive of or neutral about allowing up to two cats per HDB household.

Cat owners need to make sure their pets live in a safe place.

If not enough cats get sterilised, the government might make it a must.

“AVS will adopt a phased approach for this and will share details when ready,” says an AVS representative on the potential for making sterilisation a requirement.

All these steps aim to create a better environment for cats and residents alike.

Remember, start planning now to get your cats registered under the new Cat Ownership Rules in Singapore.

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