760kg of Illegal Food Produce Import Ends In S$16.8k Fine

760kg of Illegal Food Produce Import Ends In S$16.8k Fine
Image via ICA
  1. Ying Kah Trading LLP and its director were fined for illegal food produce imports.
  2. Over 760kg of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables were seized.
  3. ICA and SFA work together to ensure food safety and customs compliance.

A Singapore trading company faces big fines for breaking food import rules.

Joint Operation Uncovers Illegal Food Produce Imports

According to the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA), differences in transported items led to the discovery.

Food imports need strict following of SFA guidelines, which were broken.

Officers at Woodlands Checkpoint sent a suspicious truck to SFA officials.

Ying Kah Trading and its Director were together fined S$16,800 for their actions.

A joint operation in November 2023 showed the extent of the produce law breaches.

  • Offences included undeclared and under-declared fruits and vegetables.
  • The produce included pineapples, cut cabbage, bayam and peeled garlic.
  • Imported goods came from Malaysia, breaking agricultural trade rules.

The Penalty for Not Following Rules

As the ICA states, “Offenders who illegally import fresh fruits and vegetables shall be liable on conviction to a maximum fine of S$10,000 and/or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.”

Desmon Yong Wei Lun, the company’s director, failed to stop the illegal activity.

His failure to ensure customs compliance led to an $8,000 personal fine.

This incident shows the importance of careful export licensing.

Illegal imports can bring food safety risks to the public.

EntityFine Amount
Ying Kah Trading LLPS$8,800
Company Director (Desmon Yong Wei Lun)S$8,000
Total FineS$16,800
Seized ProduceOver 760 kg

Keeping Singapore’s Food Safe

Regular checkpoints and strict rules are key in agricultural trade.

Public health depends on the tight control of fresh produce entering the country.

Protecting citizens from illegal imports remains a very important priority in Singapore.

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