Mum Loses Appeal after 2 Daughters Exposed to Porn

Mum Loses Appeal after 2 Daughters Exposed to Porn
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  1. A mother in Singapore lost her appeal to regain custody of her two daughters.
  2. The daughters were exposed to porn under the mother’s care.
  3. The High Court ruled the girls should stay in protective care.

A shocking case of child neglect in Singapore has led to a mother losing custody of her two young daughters.

Mother Loses High Court Appeal

On 3 September 2024, a mother in Singapore lost her appeal in the High Court.

She wanted to regain custody of her two daughters, aged 14 and 11.

The girls were exposed to porn while under their mother’s care.

According to The Straits Times, High Court Judge Choo Han Teck made the ruling.

He said, “It was clear to me that the daughters would be better off at their respective places of safety.”

Background of the Case

The case began in a Youth Court under the Children and Youth Protection Act.

A district judge found that her 2 daughters were in moral danger due to exposure to porn.

Evidence showed the younger daughter was first exposed to porn at age 5.

The district court ordered the girls to be placed in a safe environment for 12 months.

A review was set for after 6 months.

IssueMother’s ResponseCourt’s Finding
Exposed to PornBlamed father for providing devicesMother failed to protect children
Abuse ClaimsDenied allegationsEvidence of verbal and emotional abuse
CounsellingRefused to attendShows unwillingness to improve parenting

Concerns Raised by Child Protection Services

Child protection services were worried about the girls’ safety.

They based their concerns on reports from the elder daughter’s school.

These reports detailed incidents of alleged physical abuse.

The mother was accused of using degrading language towards the younger daughter.

She also allegedly endorsed violence, encouraging her elder daughter to carry a penknife to school.

Mother’s Arguments Rejected

The mother tried to blame others for the situation.

She said the father provided the children with laptops and mobile devices.

She also called the school counsellor an unreliable witness and was “Satan”.

However, the court found no evidence to support her claims.

Justice Choo commented on the mother’s refusal to attend counselling.

He said, “Her defiant response revealed that she had yet to reflect on her own dismal parenting methods, let alone think about how to be a better parent.”

What Happens Next?

  • The 2 daughters will stay in protective care for at least 12 months.
  • There will be a review after 6 months.
  • The mother must attend counselling to have a chance of regaining custody.
  • Child protection services will continue to monitor the situation.

This case highlights the importance of protecting children from trauma, which can have long-lasting effects.

It also shows how seriously Singapore takes legal issues involving minors.

Parents should be aware of the risks of unsupervised internet use by children.

If you suspect a child is in danger, report it to the authorities immediately.

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