Prison Laundry Dispute Ends in Brutal 15cm Face Slash

Prison Laundry Dispute Ends in Brutal 15cm Face Slash
Image via Artist Impression (Image for illustration purposes only)
  1. Inmate sentenced to additional jail time for a 15cm face slash on a fellow prisoner.
  2. Attack stemmed from a Changi prison laundry dispute.
  3. Karrtik Stalniraj used an improvised weapon, causing permanent facial injury.

A prison dispute over laundry escalated into a violent attack, resulting in more jail time for the attacker.

Prison Dispute Leads to Violent Attack

According to The Straits Times, a prison inmate named Karrtik Stalniraj will serve more time in jail for a violent attack on another prisoner.

Karrtik, 25, was already in Changi Prison for other crimes.

On 1 November 2024, he got 3 years and 2 months more jail time.

He also will get 4 strokes of the cane.

This new sentence is for slashing another inmate’s face with a makeshift weapon.

The Incident

The attack happened on 13 December 2022 in Changi Prison.

It all started with unhappiness over laundry.

Karrtik Stalniraj and the victim had an argument about a discoloured shirt.

This led to more problems between them.

On the day of the attack, Karrtik used a blade he made himself.

He walked up to the victim from behind and tapped his shoulder.

When the victim turned, Karrtik slashed his face.

4 September 2022Initial prison laundry dispute
Early December 2022Victim disturbed him three times when he’s having an interview with his parents.
13 December 2022Karrtik attacks victim with improvised weapon, resulting in a 15cm face slash
1 November 2024Karrtik sentenced to additional jail time

The Victim’s Injuries

The victim got a serious cut on his left cheek.

The wound was 15 centimetres long.

He was taken to Changi General Hospital for treatment.

The injury left a permanent scar on his face.

Karrtik’s Criminal History

  • Has been involved in crimes since 2014
  • Was part of an armed robbery in November 2020
  • Stole S$48,000 from a moneylender in Jurong East
  • Was sentenced on 23 May 2022 for the robbery

Do you think prisons need stricter rules to prevent such violent incidents?

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