Flea Market – Submission Form (Existing Organiser)

As a verified organiser, you can easily list your Singapore flea market event on Daily.SG and expose it to 50,000+ monthly visitors for FREE using the following form.

If you wish to edit/cancel an existing event, please submit your change/s here: Flea Market – Submission Form (Edit).

NOTE: If you are a new/unverified organiser, please submit your event here: Flea Market – Submission Form (New Organiser) OR your submission will be automatically rejected.

*All fields are compulsory. And strictly no usage of ALL CAPS.

    *Your Name

    *Your Email

    *Your Contact Number

    *Organiser Name

    *Event Name

    *Start Date

    *End Date

    *Start Time


    *End Time



    *Booth Rental Cost

    *Rental Contact (Email and/or Phone Number)

    *Are You Human?

    Your Take: Yes or No? 是或否?

    Disclaimer: This article is accurate to the best of our knowledge and due diligence, but we recommend independent verification where needed.以下文章内容由人工智能自动翻译成中文,可能存在翻译错误或不准确之处。我们对此表示抱歉,若发现任何错误,欢迎读者进行反馈。若有疑问,请以英文版文章的数据为准。

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