Prive – 吉宝湾码头(新加坡餐厅酒吧)


Prive, the latest restaurant bar to hit Singapore shore is located at Keppel Bay of the small Keppel Island.

The island is a not far away from Sentosa.

It has ingeniously integrated a restaurant, and an outdoor watering hole.

There is also a cafe in this waterfront food and beverage entertainment outlet.


A “New York style” Restaurant which can accommodate 88 people in chic and cozy seating.

The menu developed by Prive’s executive chef – Tony Bilson, consists of a selection of roasts, steaks, seafood platters, risottos, pastas and etc.


这家海滨“美食酒吧”坐落在轻松的户外环境中,配有休闲沙发供您放松身心,宾客 DJ、表演者和清淡的餐饮将让您大开眼界。

Bakery Cafe

Bakery 咖啡厅供应新鲜的馅饼和面包、三明治、汤、沙拉、华夫饼、奶昔、蛋糕和甜点。

Official Website.

How to Get There?

有关公共交通路线,请访问:吉宝岛 – 如何前往?

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