星和续约券 – 如何获得您的?

StarHub Recontract Voucher - How To Get Yours?

In general, StarHub lets you recontract your mobile phone package 3 months prior to the end of your contract.

But it appears to me that a StarHub recontract voucher will only be presented to you AUTOMATICALLY (via SMS) if your mobile phone bills hit a certain amount.


How Do I Know If I Didn’t Get the StarHub Recontract Voucher?

About 3 months prior to the end of your mobile phone contract, you should receive a SMS (see following example) from StarHub encouraging you to renew your contract.

If the SMS doesn’t include the value of your StarHub recontract voucher, you can assume that it is not given to you automatically.

Dear Valued Customer, it’s time to renew your mobile phone package. Check out our latest phone offers at any StarHub shop or Exclusive Partner outlet today! To Unsub from SMS, reply Unsub


I managed to secure a S$100 StarHub recontract voucher for a basic account that barely exceeds its monthly subscription fee.


  • Simply call StarHub at 1633 and request to speak to a customer care consultant
  • Tell the consultant that you have received a SMS stating that you can renew your mobile phone contract and you will like to find out the value of your recontract voucher
  • The consultant shall inform you that a relationship manager will get in touch with you within 5 working days on the value of your voucher

就这样! 我只花费了大约15分钟的时间,以换取我的新手机额外100新元的折扣。


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