Singapore Skyrockets with Record Private Housing Units in 2024!

Singapore Skyrockets with Record Private Housing Units in 2024!
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  1. 2024 sees Singapore’s largest private housing supply since 2013, all thanks to the latest GLS Programme.
  2. The Government is releasing a mixed array of sites for diverse housing preferences.
  3. High housing supply could impact property prices and market trends in the future.

Singapore’s private housing market is set to receive a remarkable rise in supply this year.

Private Housing Growth in 2024

With a big increase in private residential units, Singapore aims for a stable property market.

The record-breaking supply of private homes awaits Singaporeans, with figures unseen since 2013.

Those looking for one have many sites to choose from, as reported by the MND.

A mix of ten Confirmed List sites along with nine Reserve List ones shapes the new landscape.

2H2024 offers about 8,140 private residential units, 113,650 sqm GFA of commercial space and 530 hotel rooms.

Here are some key points to note:

  • Total private residential units in 2024 hit 11,110, the peak since 2013.
  • Commercial spaces span 113,650 sqm GFA, with options across the island.
  • A big number of 530 hotel rooms come along, helping tourism.

Market Stabilisation Through Increased Supply

According to the MND, “The private housing market has shown signs of stabilisation, with price momentum easing.”

Steady supply over years has calmed the once-unsettled property scenes.

Home seekers and investors alike wonder what this supply increase might mean for property prices.

Some may ask if high supply is sustainable or if it’ll make the market too changeable.

Still, the government keeps a close eye on housing demands and stability.

Take a look at this quick table for a clear overview:

Site TypeNumber of Units
Private Residential (2H2024 – Confirmed List)5,050 units
Private Residential (2H2024 – Confirmed + Reserve List)8,140 units
Private Residential (2024)11,110 units
Commercial (2H2024)113,650 sqm GFA
Hotel (2H2024)530 rooms

Public Feelings and Their Interests

A mix of reactions comes up while people take in the news of Singapore’s housing increase.

Some worry about rising house costs, others cheer for more housing choices.

But overall, the talk is about whether this big supply will meet different needs.

It’s a housing boost that’s sure to draw attention from all parts of society.

Looking Ahead

Singaporeans stop to think about the future changes in the real estate market.

Will the property prices change with the new supply, or will the market stay steady?

As always, the island-state’s government is the guiding hand behind the housing wheel.

As the housing landscape changes, Singapore stands ready to welcome the effects.

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