Tanglin Halt Upgrade: 5,500 New Flats, a Hawker Centre, Polyclinic & More!

Tanglin Halt Upgrade 5500 New Flats, a Hawker Centre, Polyclinic More
Images via HDB
  1. The redevelopment of Tanglin Halt will introduce a new integrated development featuring a hawker centre, market and polyclinic.
  2. The project plans to offer 5,500 new flats and a slew of amenities.
  3. A strong emphasis is placed on retaining Tanglin Halt’s history and heritage amidst this urban renewal.

Tanglin Halt, one of our oldest public housing estates, is set for transformation.

The estate that’s been home to many, rich in stories and memories, is coming up on a new chapter.

HDB reports that the Tanglin Halt redevelopment will be a blend of old and new, with the iconic 10-storey height of housing blocks still in sight, among the new buzz.

Historical Significance of Tanglin Halt

This estate is not just a bunch of buildings.

It’s a treasure trove of history.

And it matters.

Its ten-storey flats, its hawker centres, carry the marks of early public housing designs.

They reflect our journey from third to first world.

Yet, it’s time for refreshment.

The old houses have served us well.

Their time is due.

But will we discard everything from the past?

Plans for Redevelopment

Change is coming.

But it’s not about erasing the past, but tying the past and future together.

We’re looking at housing integrated with a hawker centre, market and polyclinic.

A new Tanglin Halt.

Up to 5,500 new flats.

A hawker centre.

A market.

A redeveloped clinic.


Communal facilities.

All under one roof.

Impact on Residents and Businesses

For the people living here, the changes will be big.

But the impact will be minimised.

Yes, there will be disruptions.

Yes, there will be noise.

But we’re trying to make it as smooth as possible.

Imagine this, a new grocery market just a lift ride away.

No need to brave the sun or rain, just hop downstairs.

A polyclinic in your backyard, easily accessed for all your medical needs.

Environmental Impact

We’re not just building houses here.

We’re creating a sustainable estate.

With more green spaces.

Better facilities.

And while we build, we’re taking care to minimise damage to the environment.

Economic Impact

With the redevelopment, what happens to property prices?

They could spike.

After all, more facilities, better connectivity mean more value.

It could be a good time to invest.

And what about jobs?

Construction will employ people.

New businesses that spring up will require workers.

More opportunities for everyone, that’s what we aim for.

So yes, Tanglin Halt is changing.

It’s taking on a new face.

But amidst all this, we’re sticking to our roots and retaining its charm.

Because at the end of the day, Tanglin Halt is not just an estate.

It’s home.

Will the upcoming Tanglin Halt redevelopment impact you?

How do you feel about the changes?

Let us know!

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