
在新加坡哪里可以买到Bed Head (TIGI) 美发产品?


您在新加坡购买Bed Head (TIGI)美发产品有困难吗? 我最近发现,曾经为沙龙提供 Bed Head (TIGI) 产品的公司Tru-line Beauty Consultants不再拥有该品牌。

除了无法获得我最喜欢的“Head Shrink”超级紧致发胶外,我还失去了直接从供应商处以折扣价获得它的好处。


Strawberry Net是我值得信赖的折扣Nioxin洗发水(免费送货到新加坡)的来源,还以极具吸引力的价格提供TIGI头发造型和护理产品。

不幸的是,它不带有“Head Shrink”超级紧致发胶。 因此,我转而以18.50新元的价格订购了其最接近的替代品,称为“Power Play”坚固发胶(200毫升)。


Bed Head Tigi - Power Play Firm Finish Gel

您可以在Strawberry NET订购或查看其他TIGI产品。

What do you think?

Written by Patrick Tan

Meet Patrick, the word wizard of Daily.SG! He whips up news about Singapore that's so simple, even toddlers give him a thumbs up. When he's not writing, you'll find him sipping milk tea, gliding on skates, or striking a yoga pose. Dive into his stories and feel the sprinkle of fun and a whole lot of heart!


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